Have you ever used a petty cash template? It could be a petty cash receipt, voucher, status report, etc. Petty cash is a general document of accounting and a document that acts as a small fund of cash, created by a holder for recording purchases or payments that are too short to be worth submitting to the more accurate purchase and payment processes of a company or business. A petty cash fund provides accessibility for small transactions, which do not necessarily require the issuance of a check. Some suppliers do not accept company checks and in some cases, the actual charges may not be familiar until the goods are purchased, and issuing a check for them may not be possible.
A petty cash could be the amount that is used to meet miscellaneous expenditures of a business. Such expenses are recorded in a report at the end of the day, in which all cash-ins and outs are recorded. Such a receipt or voucher is created as a form containing space for the date, name of the recipient, check numbers, disbursement amount, titles of expenses, signatures of relevant people, deposit and balance, and so on. Furthermore, petty cash is the amount of money that is put aside by the cashier in order to meet all the miscellaneous expenses incurred throughout a specific time period.
Additionally, the use of such funds avoids particular internal controls. For instance, rather than making payments in the form of checks, payments to specific suppliers or vendors are made with cash which is much secure and can be withdrawn in accordance with multiple procedures. Use our petty cash templates, which are easy to use and help you make receipts and vouchers for your business. Select any of these petty cash templates and begin the process.