12+ Customizable Fact Sheet Templates

A fact sheet is a particular document that provides realistic facts and information about something like a product, device, or service that helps a customer make the final decision whether to purchase or not. A fact sheet these days is considered as the most effective marketing tool to give brief details about newly launched products or services. It usually contains lots of facts and features of the product and is limited to one page. The core purpose of the fact sheet is to convince the reader to do something or to take a particular action that you want him to take. A fact sheet template could be a handy tool for you to compose the winning one without difficulty.

For a professional writer, writing a fact sheet seems like a very simple and straightforward task but a beginner may face trouble while doing so. The fact sheet is all about facts and you can easily find countless facts about something for which you are writing it. Microsoft Word has great word processing features that let you write a stunning fact sheet just in minutes, however, you can get help from the following fact sheet templates for your ease to get the task accomplished attentively.

When writing a fact sheet, you have to present data and information in the form of bullet points or tiny paragraphs to make sense for the reader. Easy to read and understand fact sheets are appreciated by readers so you must keep it simple and easily readable with some winning facts to convince the reader immediately. Overall structure of this document matters in its success and failure so make sure you have a fact sheet template on hand to get it done accordingly. You will need to pay nothing in order to download a favorite fact sheet template.

Download Fact Sheet Templates for FREE

Customer Service Fact Sheet Template

File Size: 189 KB

Student Protection Fact Sheet Word Template

File Size: 444 KB

Company’s Fact Sheet Template

File Size: 22 KB

School Performance Fact Sheet Template

File Size: 32 KB

Agency Fact Sheet Sample Doc

File Size: 16 KB

Education and Training Fact Sheet Template

File Size: 47 KB

Project Management Fact Sheet Example in MS WORD

File Size: 135 KB

Property Fact Sheet Word Sample

File Size: 97 KB

Event Planning Fact Sheet Template

File Size: 19 KB

Free Editable Product Fact Sheet Template

File Size: 427 KB

Fact Sheet Sample for Event and Sponsorship

File Size: 70 KB

Standard Fact Sheet Template Doc

File Size: 15 KB

Official Fact Sheet Word Template

File Size: 520 KB

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